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Big Bucks Fundraising!
Tired of selling popcorn, candy and novelty items that people won’t buy?
Wouldn’t you love to sell something that people would love to buy...AND MAKE BIG BUCKS?
Try a Barky Beaver Mulch Fundraiser!
Why a Barky Beaver Fundraiser?
Big Profits - We leave the profit margin up to you. Some groups double their money on each bag.
Popular Product - The demand for quality mulch products grows every year as homeowners realize the value and beauty mulch adds to their landscaping.
More Profit Per Customer - Instead of buying one or two candy bars or magazines, each mulch customer will purchase several bags of mulch. This will make it easier to raise large amounts of money from fewer customers.
Build Customer Base For Future - Since most homeowners freshen their mulch once or twice per year, this is a great way to create a base of customers who will purchase from your group each year.
Call Barky Beaver today at 1-800-737-3646 for a free “Big Bucks” Fundraising Kit that includes pricing, product brochures, organizational tips, timeframe, samples, etc.
The spring season will be here before you know it and you will need to start taking orders as soon as possible. Get your group to check out the neighborhoods to see who uses mulch and start making a list of potential customers so you will be ready to make the big bucks.
• Get Staff Organized - Assign tasks to responsible group members such as, leader, treasurer, advertising, delivery, etc. Rally your group members, parents, volunteers and staff. Get them excited about the fundraiser and the money you will earn. Keep them motivated.
• Order Sales Kits - Barky Beaver will provide brochures, samples, mulch coverage charts, order forms, etc. for each member of your group involved in selling. If your members go door-to-door, be sure to send them in pairs or with an adult for safety.
• Set A Sales Cut-Off Date - You will need to order your mulch 2 to 3 weeks prior to your delivery date.
• Set A Delivery Date - Early Spring is the best time for mulch delivery. Try to schedule a week-end in March or early April for delivery. Find a large parking lot and a fork lift to off-load the mulch. Barky Beaver can send a fork lift for an additional charge.
• Advertise - Put up flyers, announce on your web site, send notices out to parents, put in school and local newspapers, local radio, etc.
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