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Premium Potting Soil
COMPONENTS: Pine bark fines, peat moss, sand perlite, starter fertilizer charge
RECOMMENDED USES: Quality conscious consumers will love this mix for their potted plants. This mix works well with a wide range of plants in a variety of pot sizes. It has a great balance of drainage and water retention. Barky Beaver's Premium Potting Soil is used by homeowners as well as
professional growers.
1.5 cubic foot bags | Find Retail Locations
Bulk loads approximately 70 cubic yards | Contact Bulk Sales
60 bags per pallet
20 to 22 pallets per load

General Purpose Potting Soil
COMPONENTS: Pine bark fines, mushroom compost, hardwood bark fines, perlite and sand
RECOMMENDED USES: Barky Beaver's General Purpose Potting Soil is a blend of pine bark fines, mushroom compost, hardwood bark fines, perlite and sand. This economical mix is great for commercial growers and retail sales as well. It is a great soil with ingredients that make it perfect for window boxes
containters and planters.
Bulk loads aproximately 70 cubic yards | Contact Bulk Sales

Professional Grow Mix
COMPONENTS: Pine bark fines, peat moss, sand and lime
RECOMMENDED USES: These ingredients make an exceptional mix for smaller container grown plants. Gertilizers can be added to this mix to tailor it to the specific needs of almost any plant. Good drainage is balances with water holding capacity and acailable pore space to make this a mix you can
depend on.
1.5 cubic foot bags | Find Retail Locations
Bulk loads aproximately 70 cubic yards | Contact Bulk Sales

Custom Blended Soils
Many of our customers report that switching to Barky Beaver Custom Soil Mixes is one of the most cost-effective decisions they have every made. By buying premixed blends from Barkey Beaver they:
Virtually eliminate the high cost of procuring and inventorying raw materials and additives.
Save on the astronomical cost of using hired labor while eliminating the drain on their own valuable time.
Eliminate the worry of consistency and quality.
Depend on getting desired results.
Any one of our walking floor trailers are capable of delivering as much as 100 cubic yards of your tailor-made custom blend on a dependable and timely basis. (Maximum volume is determined
by the weight of a particular custom mix.)
You can depend on Barky Beaver to produce an exact mix from your specifications.
Call us today for quotes of your favorite mixes.
BULK ONLY | Contact Bulk Sales

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